Wine Club #2: Australia & New Zealand!

April 3, 2007 - Anna hosted the second Ottawa Women's Wine Club featuring wines from Australia and New Zealand and wonderful appetizers!
Wine #1: Cat’s pee on a Gooseberry Bush (White wine, Sauvignon Blanc)
Region: Auckland, New Zealand
Vintage: 2006
Price: $14.95
Rating: 9/10
Tasting Notes: Orange notes, tingly and light, easy on the palate and refreshing (was Julie in the mood for white or what??!)
ps - don’t mix with olives!
(Julie says) I would definitely buy this again!
Wine #2: Lindeman’s Cawarra (Red wine - Shiraz)
Region: South Eastern Australia
Vintage: 2006
Price: $13
Rating: 8/10 paired with food, 6/10 alone (this is a highly technical rating system we have set up here!)
Tasting Notes: would never serve this alone – but great paired with strong-flavored foods; spicy, strong; “burned my nostrils (this must have been from Julie!); hint of cinnamon; “really enjoy this” (Andrea I think!)
Enjoyed with: Greek-style bruschetta; baguette with white beans, arugula & prosciutto; and olives & roasted red peppers
Lesson of the night: Tannins
1) go for less tannins when food has high acidity
2) tannins can have a beneficial effect on vascular health
(brilliant … hmm – Anna, did you want to add to that?! Ahh we are funny)
Company: Tayisa, Anna, Andrea, Julie and Carmella