SIDEWAYS at Andrea’s with Pinot Noir

SIDEWAYS at Andrea’s

When I (Andrea) hosted on November 19, 2007, we went classic: we had an old-fashioned wine and cheese. And there were some stinky ones. Cheese that is, not ladies or wine.

As for the ladies, we were a smaller gang this time. Since we had been pleasantly surprised with Julie’s pregnancy news, she was not in attendance this day, probably with baby illness.

The movie Sideways made this wine famous: Pinot Noir.

The Oscar-winning film "Sideways" seems to have had a bracing effect on American wine drinkers, making people feel more comfortable about ordering a bottle of Pinot Noir, according to Metro Detroit sommeliers and data from ACNielsen, the leading tracker of consumer and marketplace information.

"Pinot Noir sales are at record levels," ACNielsen reported in late February. Based on the sales period running Oct. 24, 2004, two days after the film was released, to Jan. 15 of this year, there was nearly a 16 percent increase versus the same period a year earlier.


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